VDonnut Valley

A few treasures of distant past - RPG Blog Carnival

My lens for worldbuilding is currently set on a setting I do solo playtest at the moment. It is basically ancient Mediterranean, somewhat inspired by both Bronze Age Collapse and death of Roman Empire but centered around humanity becoming so powerful they challenged the gods - and gods simply leaving. This marks the end of grand empires and prosperity as civil unrest raged and undead started roaming the land sacred before. So most non-mundane treasures are related to divine items that still hold power and lost knowledge.

These are some treasures I prepared for the playtest.

Incenses of Motherly Love

Harpoons of Sea King

Fiery Tubes

As an example above shows, not every treasure is connected to divine. Long ago I established myself rules for science fantasy items when the setting I played was a little more "fantasy world left after science world collapsed" and had blasters, light sabers and high tech things among elves and Conans. The rules were simple - items of distant past are fragile in some way. You can have blaster that trivilizes any combat - but it has limited charges. You have a sword made of space adamantium - it is the hardest and sharpest thing but if it is bent too much it will break and there is no way in the world to repair it. You may own a medbay - but pray for solar panels or any other part not to break. Or if you have very knowledgeable ancient engineer who is not going to live forever.

Basically every thing from the past is a finite resource.

This month's host: https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/2024/07/august-2024-rpg-blog-carnival-it-came.html

#RPGBlogCarnival #worldbuilding