VDonnut Valley

Here are the work in progress current projects (which may change any minute cause I cannot hold inspiration too long) and posts regarding them:

MicroPOSR or rather DIYelfgame

my vision of minimal OSR-based system, with non-famous Heartbreak.

Donut Traveller (my own, with blackjack and hookers)

because I don't like other Traveller versions implications of worlds. Also Strength attribute is useless and neither iteration fixed it. Also other things.

Very Modular Fantasy FitD

since my OSR-NSR sessions are usually boring I try to marry some of the ideas with FitD which I can run at 3AM with eyes closed and it's still hella fun.

Baltic Sea Setting

mountainous setting topologically based on polish Bieszczady with cosmology being a mix of Band of Blades and Warhammer Fantasy. Sprinkled with Ancient Rome but in Baltic Sea basin.