VDonnut Valley

(A) Ceremonies! Blog Carnival

This is the entry to my own RPG Blog Carnival! Ceremonies now, Festivals later!

The big thing in my setting is silent divinity. Gods became silent and so most religions became obsolete. But people do still have their spiritual needs. Royal wizards declared to make up for lack of supernaturally backed priesthood with their arcane mysticism. Priests were replaced with mystics – alchemists, witches and oracles, who previously lived on the verge of civilization. People taught in their own arts as well as new occult ceremonies corresponding with religious rituals of the past.

What used to be a baptism is now a ceremony of blood seal. In first few days after being born a child is brought to mystic’s sanctuary. Parents or guardians are asked to bring a pint of blood – could be theirs or from animals. It is believed human blood is best. Mystic then pours it into enchanted vessel, says the words of power, dips their finger in blood and draws on a newborn’s head pentacle. The rest of the blood is to be kept in a safe place for half a year and only then thrown away. It is done to keep away evil spirits and influences. In the magical means it actually works in a way – in case of magical trouble in form of spirits, curses or ill omens, child with blood seal is less likely to be a target.

Disdain for Blood Seal ceremony is widespread among certain parts of the kingdom. The way it is done says a lot about persons origins. People from desolate west are usually using their own blood in the ritual while war-torn easterners tend to use milk, tree sap or other fluids instead of blood. Southern mountain folk tend to use goats or sheep and northern forest peoples hunt wild animals for it.

The regular set of coming of age ceremonies for children and teens from various regions of the kingdoms were unified under Mystics Guild. Now it is happening by the age of seven. Local mystic, or in special cases even wizard or grand wizard, first talks with a child about their interests, dreams and aspirations. Then the family organises event – invited is usually whole village, in towns family and friends and neighbours, sometimes even local regent though they rarely show up. During the feast local mystic brings a small wooden box. All guests then watch the child open the box – which sometimes is a puzzle and sometimes a matter of destruction – and watch as a line of smoke escapes the box. Colour of it is an omen of childs future and is dependent on local customs but everybody in the kingdom knows the meaning of two colours – the blue is for heroes and orange is for criminals. Based of course on the place and how much work given mystic has this effect can be actually magical – there is a specific magic ritual for it – or it is just an effect of burning mundane substances. Poorer mystics from countryside regularly use the same puzzle for each child due to lack of money.

There is also a secret ceremony for those interested in mystical works. And in certain isolated areas some still do another ceremony at around sixteen years old, usually with a huge party.

Death has a special place in the dark and brutal world of Biteara. Oppressive feudal system, lost food production technology and constant war with God-Sorcerer really do their part in keeping mortality high. People often see it as something very common and casual. But it doesn’t mean they’re not afraid of what is after death. There are a lot of stories about people rising from their graves due to some unfinished business, curse or unfulfilled vow. Funerals are then rather frequent occurrence yet still serious. After a day of mourning period for a family the mystic has to take care of it immediately. Three willing people are required to give a little bit of their hair in order to tie a small ring and put it on the body. During the time mystic prepares it for burial someone has to burn one personal belonging of the deceased and burn it in a bonfire, which has to be then burned until burial. Once deceased is put in the ground all present burn a twig out of the bonfire and stick in the fresh grave.

Due to supernatural occurrences some places rely on different ceremonies. If there’s not enough mystics or are located too far people resort to ritualistic beheading or full cremation.

And how does it look like in your worlds?

#RPGBlogCarnival #archival