VDonnut Valley

(A) Drifting deep into my houserules and blogs that made them!

No Clerics! I think any class could also be a cleric. Also there are so many different religions and beliefs I don’t want Christian-based one to be the only one with power. Yeah, give your pious fighter some clerical powers on 6+ levels!




Silver Standard! I think it was already a beaten to death but why not to undead it for a moment and familiarize more people with the idea! Basically – use silver instead of gold as a primary type of coin and price tag, let gold be special, to use for banking or only by nobility. You can make it cost even more than 10 x silver coins because it’s not primary way of payment and counting more crazy exchange rate is not going to happen too much.




Thief Skills on 2d6! I don’t like using d100 so for me it is more of a cosmetical change. But with such scale you can actually make +X to Dex/Wis matter in them (it wound’t matter in d100 and would break X-in-6 skills).


Dolmenwood Saves! Just changing the names and removing Wands/Ray because I think it has very little usability.


All 1st level spells known to Magic-Users from the start but none 2nd or higher level got automatically. Adventure for your magick, mate!


Did I mention your wizard staff has some additional qualities now? Saruman it all the way! Magic staff now holds alternative spells to your memory so you have even better versatility!


These are the houserules I use. Okay, some of them I learned only recently and only intend to use but still counts! And there are a few more for me to present but they’ll require their own posts.

#archival #mechanics