VDonnut Valley

(A) Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks, oh my!

This is archival material from previous blog

When I'm writing this I'm on sick leave, at home, lying in bed and waiting for my wife to bring me broccoli casserole. I'm excited because it is me who usually cooks and I'm bored of my foods taste. Ever since I went vegan food turned into my obsession. I always liked to eat but since then I started to eat more, searching for new tastes and spices. Similarly to cutting back on alcohol - I started paying attention to soft drinks and their combinations.

That's why this month's RPG Blog Carnival topic is Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks, oh my! Tell me if food and drink and culture around them has any meaning in your games and settings.

Is your setting at least somewhat realistic in that regard or is it like Symbaroum - pseudo-european society growing corn and rice and wheat? Is there a produce significant to how the world works? Do your nobles also eat mostly oatmeal as they do in Wuthering Heights?

Cooking - does it hold any mechanical significance at all? Do you have a cook class? Is there something like in Andy's https://andyrpg.bearblog.dev/ Hyenacene https://amurillo.itch.io/laughing-with-the-trouble - Gnoll Flesh-stripper with Grilling skill? Or regular Troika!'s Member of Miss Kinsey’s Dining Club?

At this point I ate aforementioned casserole and it was delicious.

Is the food restricted like in Blades in the Dark Doskvol with mostly eels, fungi and kelp? Or do you have special rules for Fresh Food as some Rookie's in Band of Blades? Is there eating-magic like ogres do in various Warhammer-likes? Or cooking magic maybe, akin to alchemy? Does the food quality change your travel procedure?

I heard there is a new anime Dungeon Meshi about adventurers eating monsters. Share all your monster-eating rules, modules and subsystems. As well as hot takes on regular rations, iron rations and IRONER rations.

But food doesn't end with the product at the table/in your ha/already in your mouth. Food and Drink is a cultural thing. Do you have any ideas on feasts and their importance? Ceremonies involving eating? Specific foods to be sacrificed to gods? Maybe feasts are involved in strange events in the world as my old idea for halflings https://vdonnutvalley.bearblog.dev/archival-fantasy-species-and-fantasy-reproductions/ or maybe they're just a local cultural thing?

Is food in your games significant in any way? Please share on March as a part of RPG Blog Carnival! Just comment link here or ping me on any channel you find me.

Also check out last month's Carnival from Illusory Sensorium https://illusorysensorium.com/illusions-and-delusions-p2/

#RPGBlogCarnival #archival