VDonnut Valley

(A) Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks, oh my! - roundup post

This is archival material from previous blog

Hello everyone, we come to the conclusion of our March RPG Blog Carnival buffet about Feasts, Foods and Fancy Drinks! It was fruitful feast, we got ourselves wondrous foods and not enough fancy drinks - but I am guilty of it too.

Let me start with the biggest contributor to our feast - Xaoseed - who got either really hungry or really generous with three entries.

https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/2024/03/lavish-feasts-and-high-tables-rpg-blog.html - about dragonbloods dining.

https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/2024/03/rare-feasts-from-magical-terrain-rpg.html - about the places and weathers leading to certain tastes.

https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/2024/03/dwarven-synthetic-cuisine-rpg-blog.html - about crazy dwarven diet.

Next one is Sea of Stars and dragons eating habits:


Here we have some crazy feast from giant robot tackler:


And some palate cleanser from Vance A:


Empedocles who got really eager once the carnival started and provided us with whole framework:


TITORPG with helpful links to foods of the past:


Surprise at the final moments of the carnival, grand refresher of Grand River Game Press:


In the end me, your humble proprietor:


This is all our tasteful RPG Blog Carnival provided this month. Don't forget to check out last month's with https://illusorysensorium.com/illusions-and-delusions-p2/ and be sure to prepare for April's "Celebrating your favorite setting" https://codexanathema.com/2024/05/01/nuestros-escenarios-favoritos/ with Codex Anathema.

#RPGBlogCarnival #archival