VDonnut Valley

(A) Festivals for (RPG Blog) Carnival

With silent gods and minimal priesthood, as well as constantly shifting world with God-Sorcerer able to manipulate magic, influence the shape and power of the moon, transform earth as well as flesh there doesn’t seem to be a lot to celebrate. But Biteara is still free and independent as labyrinthine mountain range, haunted woods and whole sea was enough to stall enemy armies from conquest. For now.

Every new moon people celebrate the Festival of Freedom. In centuries past similar holiday was celebrated during every full moon but since fifth Chosen fell and God-Sorcerer was able to take over their power and channel corruptive sorceries through the Silver Guardian people started hiding from its light. Festival of Freedom is each month on the darkest night when the moon is covered in black and God-Sorcerers power seems to be the weakest all people of the kingdom.

During the festival communities gather after dusk with homemade foods and drinks and young people wear colourful costumes of famous creatures and long lost gods. What is important is that nobles have to celebrate with common folk or they’ll be cursed with bad luck. The most popular costume is of red-yellow Crowned Snake, the god of first fallen Chosen of whom no one heard since Great Kingdoms were conquered. Usually after a few hours people all go home to get ready for next day, though healers, diviners and other various mystics have hands full of work as there is the belief curses and enchantments can be lifted easier and all the healing is better. And there is a seed of truth in there – knowledgeable characters versed in sorcery can release some of it from willing individuals unlucky enough to contract some corruption. In eastern parts of the kingdom where war rages this festival is usually turned into assault on enemy positions and whole night of cleansing.

Just before the winter when cold winds start to sweep lands of Biteara the people get ready to party. It is the time for people to count their food supplies and test strength. The festival of vitality in full swing means a lot of community made food, last shared projects like raising a shed and athleticism competition. Every region has its own ideas for both foods and sports. Mountaineers prefer feats of strength and racing to the peak and back. Forest dwellers tend to test archery and tree climbing or cross-forest races. People living in western barrens usually do throwing contests. Some people do train for whole year just to show off during the contest – winners usually get some prize and special privileges which differ place by place.

Even being part of a Autumn Strength Festival Contest can be an honour for outsiders. Adventurers liked by community enough to participate can show their abilities and earn some respect. It is a custom to invite the winner to live with a family for the winter. It is an occasion to teach someone their trade. Or to live for a few months with someone you’d like to get close to. Festivals are a way to get close with the community as well as fulfill some goals. Also barely anyone travels during snowy winter, people stay where they happen to be for these three months.

#RPGBlogCarnival #archival #worldbuilding