VDonnut Valley

(A) Let’s Party! Festivals and ceremonies!

I know everyone is tired because of various Xtobers so this month’s topic is about party and chill. Let’s Party! Festivals and ceremonies!

If you want to join the carnival https://ofdiceanddragons.com/rpg-blog-carnival/, write up your own entry and post it in a comment below or send me a link to any of my accounts (mastodon, discord or gmail). I will gather all the participants into a wrap-up post on December 1st.

Tell me about festivals in your world. How many holidays are there? Is there a lot of them to keep people happy or very few because there’s nothing to celebrate? How many of them are religious and how many cultural?

And about ceremonies? Does cultures in your world have something akin to baptism, coming of age or marriage? How final are marriages? When does coming of age happen and what it changes in child’s life? How elaborate are funerals?

Is there something supernatural about these events? Or are they inspired by ancient pacts and long lost knowledge? Or maybe non-human peoples engage with humanfolk on such occasions to honour forgotten peace treaties?

Are there any holidays in space? Do Cosmic Unions require all vessels to stop for at least a few days in a year to let workers celebrate? How different are celebrations of aliens or humans from different sectors and planets? How different planetary conditions influence traditions? Do androids and clones have their separate holidays?

How do these ceremonies influence the gameplay? Can all clerics perform all ceremonies or is it restricted/forbidden? Can PCs gain something by participation? How much supernatural power is in common customs?

If you still don’t know what to write maybe check out similar carnivals from the past:

https://fullmoonstorytelling.com/2021/05/01/adding-festivals-holidays-and-birthdays-to-your-game-the-may-blog-carnival/ – Full Moon Storytelling, 2021

https://www.roll4.net/2019/05/31/may-2019-rpg-blog-carnival-wrap-up – Roll 4 Network, 2019

https://ofdiceanddragons.com/august-2018-blog-carnival-celebrations/ – Of Dice And Dragons, 2018

I’ll publish my bit later this week. Zdrówko!

#RPGBlogCarnival #archival