VDonnut Valley

The Undead leave nothing behind them

I struggled with current RPG Blog Carnival Prompt for a few reasons. First, it is summer here and it is hot and I am cold-liking creature. Opposite of a lizard. More like pratchettian troll. Second, we're renovating kitchen and bathroom, and it is expensive and not everything can be done in a small flat in post-soviet block and it is stressful. Third, I always struggle.

In my slowly brewing solo playtest PCs faced undead creatures twice. Both of them are Chimeras - creatures made out of twisted together decaying bodies. They are strong, very resilient and don't behave like living beings. Each undead is like a point of unnatural presence, movements too stiff or too erratic, whole world reacts to them.

After the undead attacks you can identify this signs:

And what happens when someone mad finally finishes off such a creature? Usually nature reclaims the place slowly, undead do not hoard treasures, cannot be used in anything and it is usually just a murderfest left. Sad thing but destroying undead usually leaves societal and civilisational void in the area.

#RPGBlogCarnival #worldbuilding