VDonnut Valley

Sea Scorpion for LEGO RPG Setting Jam: Crews


Axolotl - [Ingunn] [Njål] [Lovise] [Stainar] (4 votes). They claim they want to keep freedom as the main goal if one of them is chosen to lead. Considering the danger of Titan they want to move to deeper waters, hoping to lose enemy and maybe find another place to live. Axolotl ship has additional air filters and desalination devices as well as space for two-three more people. It can serve as infirmary, temporary shelter or additional dry storage.

Starting vote share 13: Axolotl 4, Old Guard 6, Dedalus 3


Day 1 - they spend time with Old Guard to confirm their support.

Day 2 - they visit Surface Current to check for potential animals to catch.

Day 3 - they swim with Dolphins to gather provisions of Whale Corpse.

Day 4 - they meet with Screws to improvise canning machine for food preservation.

Day 5 - they spy on Aqualung to make sure they're not working with Titan.

Day 6 - they swim with Dolphins and new canning machine to take and can a lot of Whale Corpse meat.

If they are uninterrupted:

Aqualung - [Rajiya] [Tasnim] [Karam] [Ghulam] [Jumanah] [Murad] (6 votes). They claim to be really afraid of Titan's vengenance and would like to stock up on weapons, explosive materials and probably create secure underwater camp in order to deter or potentially destroy enemy forces. They hope it will secure their future for next months. Aqualung ship is a heavy vessel with thick coating, which makes it resilient but difficult to maneuver. There are two one-person propellers, some people suspect the ship may still have a few armed torpedoes.

Starting vote share 16: Aqualung 6, Dolphin 5, Navy 5

Day 1 - they swim around campsite with Navy and Dolphin planning potential defense reinforcements.

Day 2 - they swim to Shipwreck to help Screws with opening it.

Day 3 - they swim to Sufrace Current to look for some supplies.

Day 4 - they gather with Old Guard in Crystal Caves, scouting and planning exploration and exploitation of resources.

Day 5 - they dig around campsite trying to prepare for defense.

Day 6 - they swim to Hungry Abyss to check it for potential in supplies and defense.

If they are uninterrupted:


A-star - [Geneviève] [Bijou] [Faustin] (3 votes). They claim they can lead Cloud to become independent democratic city-state and create a safe port for visitors. It could then become a counterweight to Titan's influence and possibly a nest for building future civilisation. A-star is a four-part ship with three detachable small ships and one storage+reactor unit (usually carried by one of the ships). It is rather small vessel.

Starting vote share 11: A-star 3, Bluebar 4, Dinghy 4

Day 1 - they swim to Surface Current to watch for supplies and get secret messages from Titan.

Day 2 - they meet with Dedalus close to Hungry Abyss to make preparations and initial searches of the mysterious deep.

Day 3 - they swim around the campsite checking Aqualungs defense plans and possibilities.

Day 4 - they swim to Surface Current to watch for supplies and get secret messages from Titan.

Day 5 - they swim to Volcano and help Screws in gathering and researching minerals available for future projects (interruption of Aqualungs plan).

Day 6 - they swim to Surface Current to watch for supplies and get secret messages from Titan.

If they are uninterrupted:

If they don't secure votes of Screws or Dedalus:

Day 7 - in the evening they lure out Navy to Surface Current and take over their ship. They ditch the crew in the current and inform Titan's forces in range that tomorrow Cloud will be vulnerable. Titan has to let them and their supporters to live.

Day 8 - in the morning Titan attacks with full force - torpedoes destroy half of Cloud's ships the rest are incapacitated.

Crews outside of vote don't have as tight schedules so on empty days they tend for their ship, scout around, do various projects, gather food or just play around.

Old Guard - [Cosme] [Nelinha] [Benedita] [Lúcio] [Manoel] [Graça] (6 votes). Cosme was a leader for previous year of Clouds travels. He was able to avoid getting involved with Titan and earlier lead an effort to repair Aqualung ship and recruit Screws. The crew values freedom of movement and lifestyle. They are currently tired of discussing, negotiating and deciding on the future of Cloud after last year and decided to tentatively support Axolotl. Old Guard ship is a large vessel, rather old school space that needed to be renovated in order to enable sailing for as long and as deep as the Cloud does. It has a lot of remntants of older technology inside.

Day 1 - they spend time with Axolotl to confirm their support.

Day 4 - they gather with Aqualung in Crystal Caves, scouting and planning exploration and exploitation of resources.

Screws - [Bao] [Rong] [Nuan] [Lin] [Heng] (5 votes). Screws crew used to be an independent lonely ship around a year ago before they joined the Cloud due to Old Guards efforts. They want to find the path to the future of humanity under the sea. They are generally technically inclined, used to be engineers and industrial workers. For the moment they don't declare any vote. Screws ship is a rather small ship designed for deep sea diving for scientific reasons, at the moment it is modified with additional spaces and adjustable elements.

Day 2 - they swim to Shipwreck to open it with Aqualungs help.

Day 4 - they help Axolotl making a canning machine.

Day 5 - they swim to Volcano to gather and research minerals available for future projects with help from A-star.

Dolphin - [Sidik] [Kasih] [Agung] [Putri] [Tirta] (5 votes). Most of Dolphins passengers declare the most important for them at the moment is survival. They had close uncounter with Titan's military ship when Cloud was running away and at the moment they are sure Titan can crush them with all their resources. They support Aqualung in an effort to actively prepare for defense. Dolphin ship is long but not so wide. Despite that it is very agile and fast in terms of movement, additionally it has special sound device that can be used to confuse and stun animal life.

Day 1 - they swim around campsite with Aqualung and Navy planning potential defense reinforcements.

Day 3 - they swim with Axolotl to gather provisions of Whale Corpse.

Day 6 - they swim with Axolotl and new canning machine to take and can a lot of Whale Corpse meat.

Navy - safety. [Whetu] [Kahurangi] [Aroha] [Roimata] (4 votes). After the other ships of their group were either destroyed or acquired by Titan a few years ago the crew of the Navy are very much filled with revenge. They applaud more destructive and confrontational measures declared by Aqualung, and themselves hope for opportunity to get their revenge. Navy ship is very solidly build, it has a lot of compartments for torpedoes and various weaponry which are empty at the moment. It also has a very strong radio which allows them to contact other crews from further distances.

Day 1 - they swim around campsite with Aqualung and Dolphin planning potential defense reinforcements.

Day 4 - they gather some stuff from Volcano and check if it can be used to fix some munitions of their ship.


Bluebar - [Deaglán] [Cadhla] [Neve] [Liam] (4 votes). As the knowledge goes it's the ship that for the longest time traveled with Old Guard and Dolphin before oficially forming the Cloud. They used to be leaders before Old Guard took over a year ago, led Cloud through times of steady prosperity. At the moment they see themselves changing their goal from roaming the see to building a steady haven for themselves and other to settle into so they support A-star. Bluebar ship is of the older construction, it got really battered one time in encounter with a group of orcas. It had a reactor leak, the fusion is still not stable enough yet to grant it steady supply of power for longer than a day - it has to be temporarily shut down for short intervals.

Day 3 - they visit Crystal Caves and clear one shallow cave out of crystals.

Day 5 - they swim to Surface Current with Dinghy to participate in giant turtle hunt.

Dinghy - [Kwasi] [Akua] [Dubaku] [Kunto] (4 votes). The crew of Dinghy are a mystery to the rest of the Cloud. When the groups met they joined almost immediately. Their ship is the most technically advanced and futuristic out of the designs. They declare the need to build civilisation and society for the future and stand with A-star. Dinghy ship looks like a twelve faced Platonic solid. It has a movable propeller so it can escape most situations and has special defensive system that explodes air bags once in any of twelve directions - it can push it away and possibly stun an enemy.

Day 1 - they swim to Shipwreck to search for salvage and easily accessible materials.

Day 5 - they swim to Surface Current with Bluebar to participate in giant turtle hunt.

Dedalus - freedom. [Sitti] [Akmad] [Ligaya] (3 votes). Possibly the smallest ship and definitely the smallest crew of the Cloud the Dedalus are usually overlooked in various circumstances. It doesn't help that the people, similarly to their ship, tend to be shy and reserved. But also value their love of open ocean and decided on support Axolotl. Dedalus ship is in form similar to a disk. It can serve scientific observations of ocean floor as well filter of the sediment. It has a very strong radar which may even serve echolocation.

Day 2 - they meet with A-star close to Hungry Abyss to make preparations and initial searches of the mysterious deep.

Day 5 - they swim to Hungry Abyss again to try and survey it further.

Main: https://vdonnutvalley.bearblog.dev/sea-scorpion-for-lego-rpg-setting-jam

Locations: https://vdonnutvalley.bearblog.dev/sea-scorpion-for-lego-rpg-setting-jam-locations

#LegoJam #worldbuilding